The process of receiving such loads requires unloading the boxes, classifying them according to SKU codes, placing them on pallets and finally creating a standard pallet label and affixing it. In addition the WMS must be updated manually or with the use of wireless PDAs. In cases when the unloading procedure is urgent, a considerable number or errors can be seen in the quantities received and in the pallets created. This process can be drastically simplified and accelerated by using the aberon SMART CONVEYOR that has been designed and constructed by VELTIONoptimum.
The aberon SMART CONVEYOR is a smart, wheeled inbound conveyor which includes: industrial computer with touch screen monitor, barcode label printer, barcode scanners and box flow automation essential for operation. The aberon SMART CONVEYOR is wirelessly linked and communicates interactively with the company's Warehouse Management System.
During unloading, the boxes are placed at the entry to the conveyor. The boxes are scanned by the barcode scanners located there. At the end of the conveyor belt, the system informs the user acoustically or optically via the industrial computer onto which pallet each box reaching the exit must be placed. On the basis of the item's specifications stored in the WMS, the aberon SMART CONVEYOR indicates to the user when he must close the pallet and automatically prints a UCC/EAN 128 barcode pallet label. When the pallet is complete, the system creates the order PutAway for the pallet to be stored in the WMS.
The aberon SMART CONVEYOR is made in various sizes to meet the specific needs of every application.
In addition, the aberon SMART CONVEYOR may also be used for loading containers or trucks with the reverse box flow procedure, when it counts the boxes and monitors the loading of clients' orders.