At a glance

Aberon PickByLight Logo 112x57In the present-day competitive environment of supply chain management, a company's success depends to a great extent on the timely and error-free delivery of orders, a requirement that cannot be met by conventional order picking systems and batch processes. 

 Companies that are able to fill orders quickly, without errors, and at a low cost, so as to meet the constantly increasing demands of their customers, acquire a significant competitive advantage in their sector. 

 The assignment of the correct level of automation at a distribution centre requires a clear understanding and definition of company activities; the features of the products handled; the frequency and size of orders filled; the working environment within the warehouse; and the direct labour cost in the warehouse. 

 The new technology system aberon BY-LIGHT from VELTIONoptimum functions by incorporating leading technologies such as Radio Frequency (RF) wireless communications, microcomputers, microelectronics, barcode technology, and software engineering, into a single efficient and integrated system. 

 aberonbylightThe aberon BY-LIGHT technology processes the data from the orders to be filled and transfers it to the picking zones without needing to use picking or checking lists. The pickers, with both hands free, pick the orders, eliminating pointless and time-consuming procedures such as list reading, picking location search, and list checking. 

 The aberon BY-LIGHT technology does away with the need for pickers to read picking lists and make data entries in the system. All aberon BY-LIGHT features vastly reduce the time needed to fill orders and decrease drastically the number of picking errors.  

The outcome is a solution whose performance can compete with that of a fully automated, high-investment facility. The main difference however, is installation costs are only a fraction of the cost of a high automated solution. 

 Each aberon BY-LIGHT system is tailor-made to meet the needs of every customer by recording and analyzing the needs of each company. aberon BY-LIGHT allows you to remain competitive in your market by using state of the art technology.
