At a glance

 Aberon VoicePicking Logo 112x57aberon VOICE PICKING is an alternative picking method that is mostly used to pick orders having content in cartons or pieces. In special cases, the voice technology may be applied to the receiving function, picking locations replenishment and inventory counting.

The voice picking solution consists of a PDA equipped with a headset (earphones & microphone) and the software for managing picking via voice interaction.

The advantage of the Voice Picking solution compared to the classic RF picking is that the operator has both his hands free, which leads to increased picking productivity.

Especially in a deep freezing environment, where users wear gloves, using wireless terminals incommodes the picking process. In this case, the use of Voice Picking is an alternative solution with competitive advantages.

After years of research, we, in VELTIONoptimum, have implemented an innovative VOICE PICKING solution. This solution based on leading edge technology standards is fully integrated into aberon WMS's main body. Our VOICE PICKING solution does not require an Interface with the aberon WMS or a separate server and constitutes a physical extension of the aberon Warehouse Management system developed by VELTIONoptimum.
wt4090vow-1Moreover, the aberon VOICE PICKING solution can also operate via interfaces with other Warehouse Management Systems or ERPs.
aberon VOICE PICKING is an expandable application developed in .net C# which can run in any PDA with MOBILE WINDOWS operating system.

The main advantages of aberon VOICE PICKING compared to other competitive voice picking systems, are:

  1. The natural voice quality(100% natural voice) that does NOT create a sense of distress and discontent to the user
  2. No system training by the user is required (100% speaker independent)
  3. The low acquisition cost and the investment protection
  4. The open architecture of the application that allows its functioning both in voice PDA and in normal RF terminals
  5. Its capability to be perfectly adapted to the particular requirements of the client