The aberon Inbound Planning system is a web application rom VELTIONoptimum for Dock Management and Scheduling deliveries from suppliers.
With aberon Inbound Planning company's suppliers have access to the system with a user name and a password.
The supplier connects to the system to book the day and time of delivery. The supplier via the system submits a delivery request for a specific day and time. As soon as the system has checked the availability of the docks and the time constraints, it forwards the request to the inbound manager and remains pending until it is approved. When the request is accepted by the delivery manager, the date, time and delivery ramp are validated. The duration of unloading is calculated automatically by the system on the basis of the order specifications.
In the event that the delivery request is not accepted, the manager proposes a new date which appears on the supplier's screen for approval. Throughout the request process, emails are automatically sent to the traders by the system. The detailed delivery calendar appears on the manager's workstation with the scheduled deliveries in different colours, according to their status. The delivery manager strictly supervises the time evolution of the deliveries and the availability of the warehouse docks.
aberon Inbound Planning is a user-friendly, interactive system that provides companies with the ability to schedule their deliveries as accurately, safely and efficiently as possible.